Monday, August 16, 2021

First Step is Crucial


In life, the FIRST STEP is always the crucial determinant of our progression towards where we want to be. 

I have never ever in my whole entire lifetime LOL blogged. This is my first one as Titled, this first step is crucial in starting my Blogging journey. In the last couple of weeks I have been encouraging my students to blog about their learning journey and I'm sure I sounded like a broken record in constantly reminding them. Throughout this time I wondered, what happens if they ask me for my blog post? LOL, What would I say then?...that I don't know how to blog, that I've never blogged my whole life, that I do not want to. What does that say about my practice? 

Well here it is, the start of my Blogging journey. It is the first step that is always the hardest. Some of the thoughts that I've comtemplated prior to writing this post were......."People will be reading my Blog",  my "Students will be reading them". Did these thougths influenced why it has taken me this long to blog? Yes it did! Nevertheless, I have come to the conclusion that I am a learner, just like my students and exactly like everybody else. We are constantly learning, we are continually acquiring knowledge and applying them. Therefore, as I begin this learning journey, I invite you to ride this waka of AKO with me. 

The encouragement today: Take that First Step, Go Ahead, Take it 

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First Step is Crucial